A New Block of the Month!

In Quilting by Lisa Burnett

It’s been a very long time since we had a BOM project. Designing a BOM can be a very daunting task. It can be tricky to decide the best way to distribute the materials, how long the program should last and what kind of blocks would most people like. After a long time debating, we have designed our first BOM quilt in many years. We had two requirements- to use our new Emmitt & Ivy fabric and to redesign our most popular quilt ever- our Hometown Christmas quilt. Here is the result- We call it Hometown Christmas #2.

The quilt has everything we love- piecing, embroidery, and applique. It will also be personalized for your family and hometown. The program will last 5 months and begin in July. Each month, you will receive the pattern and fabric to create four blocks. You will also receive embroidery floss and a personalized label to finish your quilt. You also have the option to add backing fabric. Although we aren’t quite finished with the quilt, here is a little sneak peak of the personalized Hometown block:

If you would like to participate, we need to know soon. As in tomorrow! It’s only $1.00 to hold your spot, and you can sign up here.

Also, the deadline to pre-order anything from Emmitt & Ivy (quilts or precuts) is also tomorrow. You can find everything (except the BOM signup) here. Here’s a little reminder of what the collection looks like.

Again, the quilt kit/pre-cut preorder can be found here. The sign-up reservation for the BOM can be found here. Happy Tuesday!