Day #9

In Uncategorized by Lisa Burnett

It is already day #9 in our 12 Days of Christmas.  Today we have a great idea.  You know how you stress over what to get your neighbor, your mailman, a party hostess or your kid's favorite teacher?  This might help you a bit.

Why not take all those yummy cookies you make this season and place them on a personalized plate.  A plate that is in itself a gift- so you don't even need to include the treats if you run out of time.  This happens to me every year.  I always have big baking plans and then Christmas is over and I've only baked the regular sugar cookies I make every year.  I do have a lot of holiday recipes pinned on Pinterest- so we will see what happens.

Anyway, Day #9 features new pesonalized plates for Christmas.  We borrowed the design for the first one from a print we showed you the other day.  



The second design can also be personalized.  This plate hasn't arrived yet, so here is just a digital image:



The last one is for the kids.  We will take your child's letter to Santa and place it on their very own plate.  



All three designs are available now in our shop.

See you tomorrow!