Lucky Lucky

In Quilting by Lisa BurnettLeave a Comment

It’s our Lucky day! If you follow us on Instagram, you know all about our new collection called Lucky. Here is a little peek:

We had a puppy in mind when we designed Lucky. So of course, we had to do a puppy quilt. This one is called “Puppy Chow”:

Even though Lucky is about a dog, it isn’t all about a dog. In fact, only two prints are puppy-related. The others are a treasure of ultra-usable prints that work perfectly together. This quilt is a perfect example. We call it Picking Daisies.

Picking Daisies also comes in a blue version: always, you can pre-order any quilt or pre-cut here. Lucky will arrive in October! We have more to show you in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

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